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وظائف شاغرة لدى منظمة انقاذ الطفل

وظائف شاغرة في المنظمات الدولية

تعلن منظمة انقاذ الطفل عن حاجتها الى :

Early Childhood Education Curriculum Consultant

On the 14th of March 2020, the Prime Minister of Jordan announced some precautionary decisions to prevent COVID-19 breakout in Jordan. Where the government prohibited children from going to all educational institutions (schools/ nurseries/KGs/..) starting from the 15th of March until further notice.
This entailed for Save the Children Jordan (SC Jordan) to discontinue its early childhood program in compliance with those decisions and for the safety of the children as well, especially that our center are refugee camps, closed and densely populated areas, where extra care and restrictions must be taken. Our early childhood care and development (ECCD) team developed a system by which education activities were sent to caregivers through SMS to ensure uninterrupted learning for children.  Moreover, the team made follow up calls to make sure that the children are being educated and that there are no challenges being faced by care givers. An assessment has been created as a tool to evaluate the effectiveness of the adopted approach.
It’s worthy to note that SMS was chosen as the way of communication given that it would be at zero cost for caregivers which means access to all children, and ensured delivery of lessons to caregivers
The Early Childhood Education Curriculum Consultant will join the team to provide technical contribution to the ongoing and new Early Childhood program at Save the Children Jordan with a primary focus on re-writing the KG1 curriculum and creating educational activities for ages 3, 4 and 5 year
Under the supervision of the Technical Advisor, the Early Childhood Education Curriculum Consultant is expected to re-write the Early Childhood KG1 curriculum currently adopted by SC Jordan and design activities that support the curriculum and which can be implemented by caregivers with their children. Specifically the consultant to carry out the following:
Curriculum Review and Development
  • Meet with SC Jordan education team to understand future plans related to early education and collect relevant materials.
  • Review current KG1 curriculum and conduct site visits to SC Jordan operated early education centres to better understand context, existing approach and capacity.
  • Rewrite the content and organization of SC Jordan KG1 program, including all daily activities, transitions, and routines which have an impact on the child's physical, social, emotional, intellectual and language development. The curriculum should include life skills, math, language arts, music, art, science and library. The curriculum should reflect the following aspects:
  • Child centered environment.
  • Hands-on child directed activities. 
  • Intrinsic motivation to learning.
  • Inquiry based learning.
  • Opportunities for children to learn social skills as they work with other children in small groups.
  • "Freedom within limits".
  • Family friendly program.
  • Provide SC Jordan with templates of a lesson plan - weekly plan - semester plan and a yearly plan.
  • Train SC Jordan staff on the new curriculum.
  • Provide SC Jordan with evaluation forms for students and staff.
  • Provide SC Jordan with feedback forms for parents.
  • Provide SC Jordan with templates of a lesson plan - weekly plan - semester plan and a yearly plan.
  • Train SC Jordan staff on the new curriculum.
  • Provide SC Jordan with evaluation forms for students and staff.
  • Provide SC Jordan with feedback forms for parents.
  • Provide SC Jordan with templates of a lesson plan - weekly plan - semester plan and a yearly plan.
  • Train SC Jordan staff on the new curriculum.
  • Provide SC Jordan with evaluation forms for students and staff.
  • Provide SC Jordan with feedback forms for parents.
Parent-led Activities
  1. Research similar programs and platforms that support parents by providing them with parents-led activities for children 3-5 years old.
  2. Gather feedback from SC Jordan on pilot program implementation phase during COVID-19.
  3. Design educational activities that would be sent through SMS system for ages 5 years – total of 180 activities to cover 3 times a week- 4/5 weeks a month and 12 months.
  4. Design educational activities that would be sent through SMS system for ages 4 years – total of 180 activities to cover 3 times a week- 4/5 weeks a month and 12 months. 
  5. Design educational activities that would be sent through SMS system for ages 3 years – total of 180 activities- to cover 3 times a week- 4/5 weeks a month and 12 months. 
Those SMS’s should reflect the following goals:
  1. Social and Interpersonal skills
  2. Physical skills
  3. Cognitive concepts
  4. Language skills
  5. Math and science core knowledge
  6. Wellness and Healthy Living skills
  7. Character Education
  8. Art Expression.
  9. Usage of available material at home.
SC Jordan expects the KG1 curriculum to be ready by the end of September 2020. And the SMS activities to be ready by Dec. 2020. To achieve that, the below deadlines are expected
1-Rewrite the content and organization of SC Jordan KG1 program and train staff.          1st  August – 30th  September 2020
2-Deliver educational activities for ages 5 years – total of 180 activities (As explained above).     1st   October- 31st   October 2020
3-Educational activities for ages 4 years – total of 180 activities. (As explained above).               1st November – 31st   November 2020
4-Educational activities for ages 3 years – total of 180 activities. (As explained above).                1st   December – 31st  December 2020
Level of Effort: 
The level of effort would be as follows:
  1. KG1 Curriculum – 18 working days- spread over 2 months- August to September 2020.
  2. 180 activities for ages 5 years- 8 working days.
  3. 180 activities for ages 4 years- 8 working days.
  4. 180 activities for ages 3 years- 8 working days.
  5. Field visits: 2 working days- Zaatari camp & Azraq camp.
  6. Meeting with SCJ staff – 2 working days.
  7. Evaluation forms and Educational plans’ templets- 2 working days.
  8. Training SCJ staff on the new curriculum. 1 working day.
Total of 49 working days spread over 4 month
Payment Schedule:
  • 1st payment:  upon delivering the new KG1 curriculum, required forms & templets, and training SC Jordan.
  • 2nd payment:  upon delivering 180 educational activities for ages 5 years.
  • 3rd payment:  upon delivering 180 educational activities for ages 4 years.
  • 4th payment:  upon delivering 180 education activities for ages 3 years.

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