1. Background and Rationale
Broader programme / campaign :
Oxfam in Jordan is starting a project on Women’s Economic Empowerment (“WEE.CAN”) in Ma’an governorate that will mobilize women beneficiaries in community engagement and livelihoods activities.
Oxfam has also received a specific grant (Knowledge Fund Grant) for knowledge development and management (in the form of action-oriented research) on Engaging Men and Boys and Masculinities as an additional component to the WEE.CAN project. The Knowledge Fund Grant will aim to contribute practical answers to the knowledge challenge of how engaging men and boys and addressing masculinities can contribute to efforts for women’s socioeconomic empowerment and gender equality in general.
The present consultancy is part of this Knowledge Fund Grant: as Step 2 and 3 for action-oriented research, the consultancy aims to develop and apply a specific methodology for engaging with men and addressing toxic forms of masculinity, to be integrated into the workplan of the WEE.CAN project. The methodology and its implementation will be based on findings from the Gender Analysis to be done under the WEE.CAN project and Oxfam’s literature review of existing methodologies on engaging men and boys and addressing masculinities. Oxfam is seeking a consultant-facilitator/trainer to design this methodology and implement it over a period of several months in Ma’an. The consultant-facilitator/trainer will cooperate for the matter with Oxfam staff, project consultants and local partner.
What this consultancy is about and why this issue matters to Oxfam in Jordan:
Design and implementation of a methodology for engaging men to support women’s economic empowerment and addressing toxic masculinities, to be integrated into the workplan of the WEE.CAN Project in Ma’an
The methodology will involve the following:
• Successfully engaging men and/or boys in gender programming in Jordan to ensure their support to women’s economic empowerment, and more broadly gender equality.
• Design interventions addressing masculinities that integrate social norms and change relations to support the gender equality aims of a in a women’s economic empowerment project.
• Plan activities targeting men and/or boys that support the gender equality aims of the WEECAN! Project.
• Integrating monitoring elements to ensure the project contributes to a better understanding of the effectiveness of interventions targeting men and boys.
• Balancing working to engage men/or boys with accountability to women.
2. Audience and use of findings
Audience for the consultancy:
The methodology for engaging men/masculinities on Masculinities will be integrated into the WEE.CAN Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL). The audience for WEE.CAN MEAL is tentatively set as follows:
Primary audience: Oxfam staff, project partner and consultant, onsultant and donor. Secondary audience: other relevant stakeholders in Jordan/region working on similar topics around gender equality.
Additionally, the specific outputs of the Knowledge Fund Grant will be shared with Oxfam Knowledge Fund team as well as with an internal Community of Practice on Gender Justice across Oxfam confederation.
How the consultancy’s outcomes will be used:
To implement activities, integrated within the WEE.CAN project that engage men to better support the gender equality objectives of the WEECAN! project.
The outcomes of the consultancy will also be used for methodological learning within Oxfam: the experience of creating and testing a methodology for engaging men and addressing toxic forms of masculinities in relation to women’s economic empowerment will be presented as an example of how to develop an add-on lens that can be further adjusted and replicated in other Gender Justice projects.
3. Objectives of the consultancy
Primary objectives of the consultancy:
To design and implement a methodology of activities to engage men in an WEE.CAN project with the aim of undergoing social norm change and better support women’s economic empowerment/gender equality.
Specific objectives of the consultancy (expected outputs):
1. As part of preparatory steps, in support to Oxfam staff and project partner and consultants:
a. Briefly review and update as necessary Oxfam Desk Literature Review/mapping of relevant actors/tools on the topics, and possibly take part in meetings with key stakeholders in Jordan with knowledge of masculinities and prior experience engaging men.
b. Provide brief feedback or practical advice to consultants collaborating with Oxfam on the WEE.CAN Gender Analysis, to reflect the perspective of the specifics of engaging men in a project on women’s economic empowerment.
2. Design methodology (such as a toolbox of activities… along with instructions).
3. Implement methodology in the field targeting men in WEE.CAN Project in Ma’an.
4. Suggested methods:
• Desk review of Oxfam Desk Literature Review.
• Consultations and collaboration with project Consultants and Oxfam staff.
• Field visits in Ma’an on regular basis (estimated 3-5 days per month on average).
• Working meetings/training workshops with Oxfam staff, partner and project consultants either in Amman or in Ma’an.
5. Ethics and risk
Specific or possible ethical issues that the consultancy raises
The consultant will commit to abide by Oxfam’s security rules, safe programming requirements, ethical research standards or provide evidence of equivalent institutional standard where the successful applicant is a research institute with its own established standards.
Risks that might arise during or as a result of the consultancy and suggested process for mitigating them.
• Findings are highly critical of local stakeholders with whom working relationships are required. Mitigation – dissemination will be carefully managed to trusted targets only. Any communication of findings to government targets will be reviewed and approved by Oxfam’s management and Oxfam’s governmental liaison consultant.
• The consultancy will also be under requirements for accountability to women engaged in the WEE.CAN project, through (i) meaningful involvement of women in the selection process for male participants. (ii) continuously informing them on the process and results of the work with men, providing them the opportunity for feedback. (iii) adjusting the course of action considering women’s feedback. (iv) throughout the WEE.CAN project and action, mainstreaming protection against GBV.
6. Key sources and people to be consulted
• Key external documents globally and in Jordan on the issue of harmful masculinities and engaging men and boys.
• Key informants among stakeholders involved in interventions engaging men and boys where the project outcomes are based on gender equality.
7. Style and length of report/outputs
• Arabic/English writing of academic level.
• Factual and concise.
8. Timetable
Timeline: June 2019 – October 2019 (estimated 20-25 working days)
• Draft of Methodology and Activities Plan/Toolkit Developed by end of June 2019
• Final version by early/mid-July 2019
• Facilitate Methodology in Ma’an during WEECAN! from July to October 2019
9. Research management
Commissioning manager:
Gender Justice Programme Manager, Oxfam in Jordan, with support from the Gender Justice Technical Advisor.
10. Qualifications and research required
• Technical specialisation (evidenced by the academic and technical qualifications of the applicant: 20%): social work, sociology/social sciences, psychology, gender studies including experience with engaging men and boys, masculinities, gender based violence, and/or women’s economic empowerment, or other relevant fields; or sound knowledge of the topic(s) being addressed.
• Professional experience: strong experience in Jordan and/or MENA region facilitating engagement of men over gender equality topics, through design and implementation of trainings, participatory appraisals and activities, coaching, mentoring or any other relevant methods, evidenced by:
o List of assignments completed (25%).
o Brief suggested methodological plan (1 page maximum) for the present consultancy: 25%): including examples of suggested activities or methods of engagement.
• Analytical and writing skills (evidenced by a writing sample from a completed analysis - to be kept confidential: 20%): ability to identify, conceptualise and formulate in a clear manner gender issues
• Languages (10%): Excellent command of both Arabic and English.
Competitive financial offer (with daily fee and possible associated costs), account taken of the timeline and suggested methodology
11. Submission, Reception and Opening of Proposals
Consultants interested in submitting proposals for this training work must do so either by sending:
• Brief methodological plan (approximately 1 page explaining approach), Financial Proposal (with daily fee and possible associated costs), CV, and writing sample by e-mail to the following address:
• Email Subject: RFQ-JOAMM-19-0060- Facilitator / Trainer on Engaging Men/Masculinities in Ma'an
• Jordan_Procurement@oxfam.org.uk ·
The deadline for submission of proposals will be: 19 May 2019, by 16:00 hours in Amman. ·
All proposals received after the above deadline will be disqualified and returned to the applicants unopened.
About the MENA region
The MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region implements and manages programmes in Yemen, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Jordan.
Programmes within the MENA region reflects Oxfam’s approach to work across the globe. We support self-reliance, not dependency, and to complement our work on the ground we strive to secure lasting change through our campaigning.
We also put women at the heart of all we do. The majority of people living in poverty are women and girls, and so this focus helps us to achieve our mission to overcome poverty and suffering.
At Oxfam we are committed to ensuring diversity and gender equality within our organization and strongly welcome applications from women and underrepresented groups to apply for this position.
Oxfam is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We will do everything possible to ensure that only those that are suitable to work within our values are recruited to work for us.