أخر الاخبار

تعلن شركة اتقان للصناعات الدوائية عن حاجتها الى مدير مشروع


Position: Project manager 

We are looking to hire a project manager with the following criteria: 
1- Minimum of 2 years experience as a project manager. 
1- able to multi-task well and wear several different hats in the clinical research process.
2-have strong leadership and interpersonal skills with an extroverted personality.
3- possess excellent critical thinking, analytical, budgeting, decision-making, and problem-solving skills. 
4- Have time management skills and ability to keep team members motivated to meet tight deadlines.
5- Excellent command of English both oral and written.

If You are qualified and interested, please send your updated resume and mention the job position in the subject filed .

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